Mantle of Majesty: Command
Action - BG3
Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop its weapon.
Targets that are Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw.
Mantle of Majesty: Command

Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground or drop its weapon.
Targets that are Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw.

10 turns
On Save: Resist Effect

18m / 59ft


Wisdom Save
Bonus Action
Mantle of Majesty: Halt

Command a creature to halt, preventing it from moving or taking any type of action.
Targets that are Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw.

10 turns
On Save: Resist Effect

18m / 59ft


Wisdom Save
Bonus Action
Mantle of Majesty: Approach

Command a creature to move towards you on its turn and do nothing else.
Targets that are Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw.

10 turns
On Save: Resist Effect

18m / 59ft


Wisdom Save
Bonus Action
Mantle of Majesty: Drop

Command a creature to drop its weapon.
Targets that are Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw.

10 turns
On Save: Resist Effect

18m / 59ft


Wisdom Save
Bonus Action
Mantle of Majesty: Flee

Command a creature to flee from you on its turn and do nothing else.
Targets that are Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw.

10 turns
On Save: Resist Effect

18m / 59ft


Wisdom Save
Bonus Action
Mantle of Majesty: Grovel

Command a creature to fall Prone on its turn and do nothing else.
Targets that are Charmed automatically fail their Saving Throw.

10 turns
On Save: Resist Effect

18m / 59ft


Wisdom Save
Bonus Action
Frequently Asked Questions
Which classes have the Mantle of Majesty: Command action in Baldur's Gate 3?
Answer: The College of Glamour classes have the Mantle of Majesty: Command action.