Reckless Attack

Reckless Attack
Action - BG3

Throw all caution in the wind to gain Advantage on your melee Attack Roll. Until your next turn, you have Advantage on all Attack Rolls, but enemies also have Advantage on Attack Rolls against you.
Reckless Attack
Throw all caution in the wind to gain Advantage on your melee Attack Roll. Until your next turn, you have Advantage on all Attack Rolls, but enemies also have Advantage on Attack Rolls against you.
1 turn

Frequently Asked Questions

Which classes have the Reckless Attack action in Baldur's Gate 3?

Answer: The Barbarian classes have the Reckless Attack action.

Which classes have the Reckless Attack action in Baldur's Gate 3?

Answer: The Barbarian classes have the Reckless Attack action.