Wild Shape: Wolf

Wild Shape: Wolf
Action - BG3

Take the shape of a Wolf that can leave enemies open to Critical Hits and increase allies' Movement Speed. You gain Bite, Inciting Howl and Exposing Bite. Wolves' attacks roll with Advantage when one of their allies is within 3 metres of the target.
Wild Shape: Wolf
Take the shape of a Wolf that can leave enemies open to Critical Hits and increase allies' Movement Speed. You gain Bite, Inciting Howl and Exposing Bite. Wolves' attacks roll with Advantage when one of their allies is within 3 metres of the target.
Wild Shape Charge

Frequently Asked Questions

Which classes have the Wild Shape: Wolf action in Baldur's Gate 3?

Answer: The Druid classes have the Wild Shape: Wolf action.

Which classes have the Wild Shape: Wolf action in Baldur's Gate 3?

Answer: The Druid classes have the Wild Shape: Wolf action.