
Class - BG3


Passive Features

  • Difficult Terrain doesn't slow you down and you can Jump an additional 6 m while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
  • Your agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain spells. When a spell or effect would deal half damage on a successful Dexterity Saving Throw, it deals no damage if you succeed, and only half damage if you fail.
  • You can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.
  • Your movement speed increases by 4.5 m / 15 ft while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
  • Your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies' Resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage.
  • After making an attack with a Monk Weapon or while unarmed, you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action.
  • Attacks with Monk Weapons and unarmed attacks deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage, unless their normal damage is higher.
  • Attacks with Monk Weapons and unarmed attacks scale with your Dexterity instead of your Strength if your Dexterity is higher.
  • You are Immune to Poison damage and can't be Poisoned or affected by disease thanks to the purifying ki flowing through your meridians.
  • If you are Charmed or Frightened, you automatically cast Stillness of Mind to remove the condition.
  • Your reflexes are as effective as any armour. While not wearing armour, you add your Wisdom Modifier to your Armour Class.
  • Your movement speed increases by 3 m / 10 ft while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
  • You gain an additional ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.
  • Ki Ki
    Ki is the magic that flows through all living beings. You can use it to exceed your body's physical capabilities.
  • Use your reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1d10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your monk level. If the damage is reduced to 0, you use a Ki Point to Deflect the Missile.
