Mage Armour
Spell - BG3
Surround an unarmoured creature in a protective magical force. Its Armour Class increases to (13 + its Dexterity modifier).
The target can't be wearing Armour.
Mage Armour
Level 1 Abjuration

Surround an unarmoured creature in a protective magical force. Its Armour Class increases to (13 + its Dexterity modifier).
The target can't be wearing Armour.

Long Rest

1.5m / 5ft
Category | Level 1 Abjuration |
Available on | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Range | 1.5m / 5ft |
Frequently Asked Questions
Which classes have the Mage Armour spell in Baldur's Gate 3?
Answer: The Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight classes have the Mage Armour spell.