Spell - BG3
Throw a creature or object up to 18 m with a thought. Once per turn, you can use Telekinesis again without expending a Spell Slot. Heavier items deal more damage when thrown in this manner.
Level 5 Transmutation

Throw a creature or object up to 18 m with a thought. Once per turn, you can use Telekinesis again without expending a Spell Slot. Heavier items deal more damage when thrown in this manner.

10 turns

18m / 59ft

Bonus Action
Category | Level 5 Transmutation |
Available on | Sorcerer, Wizard |
Range | 18m / 59ft |
Frequently Asked Questions
Which classes have the Telekinesis spell in Baldur's Gate 3?
Answer: The Sorcerer, Wizard and Great Old One classes have the Telekinesis spell.