Class - BG3
Passive Features
You've trained to strike swift and true. When you land a Critical Hit, you roll an extra damage die as well as the normal additional critical die.
You sense when things aren't as they should be. You have Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws against traps, Spells and surfaces. To gain this benefit, you can't be Blinded or Incapacitated.
You can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack.
Your Movement Speed increases by 1.5 m / 5 ft while not wearing Heavy Armour.
You have honed your instincts to the utmost degree. You gain a +3 to Initiative and can't be Surprised.
Once per Short Rest, if you drop to 0 hit point while Enraged, you regain 1 hit points instead of being Downed.
Your body is as resilient as any armour. While not wearing armour, you add your Constitution Modifier to your Armour Class. Wearing Heavy Armour impedes your Rage.