Circle of the Stars
Subclass of Druid - BG3
Passive Features
Whenever you Long Rest, you consult the stars for a Cosmic Omen of Weal or Woe. The omen grants you the ability to increase or decrease Attack rolls and Saving throws, and to increase your allies' Ability Checks.
Your Starry Forms are improved. The Archer's damage and the Chalice's healing are each increased by 1d8, and the Dragon gains the ability to hover and to Fly at a movement speed of 6 m per turn.
Luminous Arrow
Chalice Healing
Dazzling Breath
Starry Form
Starry Form: Archer
Starry Form: Chalice
Starry Form: Dragon
Star Map: Guiding Bolt
Cosmic Omen of Weal: Attack Roll
Cosmic Omen of Weal: Saving Throw
Cosmic Omen of Woe: Saving Throw
Cosmic Omen: Ability Check
Cosmic Omen of Woe: Attack Roll