Searing Smite

Searing Smite
Spell - BG3

Your weapon flares with white-hot intensity. It deals, on top of weapon damage, an extra 1d6 Fire damage and marks the target with Searing Smite. A target with Searing Smite takes 1d6 Fire damage every turn, until it succeeds on a Constitution Saving Throw. If the spellcaster misses the initial Attack, the Spell Slot and Bonus Action are not consumed.
Searing Smite
Level 1 Evocation
1~6 Damage
Your weapon flares with white-hot intensity. It deals, on top of weapon damage, an extra 1d6 Fire damage and marks the target with Searing Smite. A target with Searing Smite takes 1d6 Fire damage every turn, until it succeeds on a Constitution Saving Throw. If the spellcaster misses the initial Attack, the Spell Slot and Bonus Action are not consumed.
10 turns
On Save: Resist Effect
Constitution Save
Category Level 1 Evocation
Available on Paladin
Damage Types
Fire Fire
Save Type Constitution Constitution

Frequently Asked Questions

Which classes have the Searing Smite spell in Baldur's Gate 3?

Answer: The Paladin classes have the Searing Smite spell.