Plant Growth
Spell - BG3
Make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area. Creatures moving through the weeds have their Movement Speed quartered.
There is no Saving Throw against this effect.
Any Fire damage will burn away the surface, effectively ending the spell.
Plant Growth
Level 3 Transmutation

Make weeds burst from the ground and smother the area. Creatures moving through the weeds have their Movement Speed quartered.
There is no Saving Throw against this effect.
Any Fire damage will burn away the surface, effectively ending the spell.

10 turns

18m / 59ft
Category | Level 3 Transmutation |
Available on | Bard, Druid, Ranger |
Range | 18m / 59ft |
Frequently Asked Questions
Which classes have the Plant Growth spell in Baldur's Gate 3?
Answer: The Bard, Druid, Ranger, Archfey, Nature Domain and Oath of Ancients classes have the Plant Growth spell.